Welcome to my showroom

Let's help more kids  together

Welcome to our show room. We wish we could meet in person. Maybe we will one day? Do you want to join us? We are looking for retail partners and publishers all over the world to help us reach and help more children thrive. We are also looking for donations to help bring the books to less advantaged areas.

Gitte is reaching + 40,000 followers on social media and is invited to speak on summits, stages and podcasts the world over. For booking go here.

Current languages:

Danish - language of origin

Upcoming languages:

Arabic publisher? 

Will you help me and translator Huda El-Hawari teach Arabic children to fill their hearts with love, sleep better, thrive and connect to themselves and the higher vibrations of love and peace? At the same time we help parents parent from their hearts and connect deeper with their children to create attachment. The full translation is almost ready to be published. 

Send us an email, if you are interested in publishing this precious book in Arabic. I work with an agent in Dubai for the Arabic speaking coutries and communities. 

Dutch publisher? 

Hier is het beroemde Deense slaapboek, dat elke nacht in meer dan 20 landen duizenden kinderen helpt om veilig en gemakkelijk in slaap te vallen.In dit boek vind je vier prachtige hartmeditaties. Naast het helpen bij het slapen, versterkt mediteren voor het slapengaan ook uw relatie met uw kind door een sfeer te creëren vol betrokkenheid, rust en veiligheid.

Will you help me and my Dutch agent, Kees Palling  teach Dutch children to fill their hearts with love, sleep better, thrive and connect to themselves and the higher vibrations of love and peace? At the same time we help parents parent from their hearts and connect deeper with their children to create attachment.

Send us an email, if you are interested in publishing this precious book in Dutch. 

Polish publisher? 

Dziecięce medytacje W moim sercu

BESTSELLEROWA KSIĄŻKA DO SNU Uwielbiana przez dzieci i rodzicóww ponad 20 krajach.

Will you help me and my Polish translator Sabina Lenkiewicz teach Polish children to fill their hearts with love, sleep better, thrive and connect to themselves and the higher vibrations of love and peace? At the same time we help parents parent from their hearts and connect deeper with their children to create attachment.

Send us an email, if you are interested in publishing this precious book in Polish. 

Romanian publisher? 

Meditații pentru copii În inima mea

O carte cu meditații blânde și liniștitoare care calmează mintea și pregătesc corpul pentru somn. Îndrăgită de copii și părinți din peste 20 de țări.

Vrei să-i învățăm pe copii să-și umple inimile de iubire și să doarmă mai bine? Să prospere, să se conecteze la ei înșiși și la vibrațiile înalte ale păcii și iubirii?
Ajută-ne să aducem această carte în România.

Will you help me and my Romanian translator Cristina Popov teach Romanian children to fill their hearts with love, sleep better, thrive and connect to themselves and the higher vibrations of love and peace? At the same time we help parents parent from their hearts and connect deeper with their children to create attachment.

Send us an email, if you are interested in publishing this precious book in Romanian . 

Let's work together

Publisher? Book Agent? Retailer?

Would you like to help us help more children all over the world sleep better, longer and deeper? Would you love to help parents all over the world find a peaceful bedtime routine? No more endless evenings of bedtime quarrels. No more tears. No more children crying themselves to sleep. Let's join forces and help parents all over the world connect to their hearts at bedtime and help their kids fall asleep.

The problem is huge. The demand is rising. The American Academy of Pediatrics1 estimates that sleep problems affect 25 to 50 percent of children and 40 percent of adolescents. Asian children are sleeping the least on a global scale, with children i Hong Kong sleeping the least. In Europe Spanish children sleep the least. How little do children sleep in your country? 

The solution is right here. Creating a peaceful, loving bedtime routine will help so many families. Let's teach them how. 

Send us an email, if you are interested in publishing or selling these precious books in your market. We also accept donations to bring the book to less fortunate areas of the world.